The Westin 6100 N River Rd, Rosemont, Illinois, United States

Please Join IL Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy | IL Republican Finance Chair Vince Kolber | Event Chairs Kari Galassi and Greg Hart | Along with the Finance Committee: Kari Galassi | Brian Kasal | Lynn O’Brien | Laura Pollastrini | Richard Porter | Kathy Salvi | Mark Shaw BANK YOUR VOTE Keynote Speaker: US […]

Regan Deering for State Rep – Fundraiser

Rob Dob's - Bloomington 801 N Hershey Rd, Bloomington, IL, United States

Stop in and Join Regan Deering, Candidate for State Representative Wednesday, June 5th 5PM - 7PM Rob Dob's 801 N Hershey Rd Bloomington, IL $30 per person Sponsorships Available: Bronze Sponsor: $250 | Silver Sponsor: $500 | Gold Sponsor: $1,000 | Platinum Sponsor: $2,500 RSVP to Sara at 815.513.5215 or

Congresswoman Mary Miller Fundraiser – Decatur

The Beach House - Decatur 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr, Decatur, IL, United States

Please join us for a fundraiser honoring Congresswoman Mary Miller Hosted by Kevin Breheny and Regan Deering Thursday, June 18th 6PM The Beach House 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr Decatur, IL 62521 Individual: $250 | Couple: $500 Smart Casual Dress Please make checks payable to Mary Miller Victory Committee