Greetings IFRW!
It’s “Election Year” season, and the excitement has begun. What a great time to be a Republican!
The Executive Committee is excited about the upcoming Spring Conference in April, as well as:
• The Illinois Republican State Convention in May,
• The National Republican Convention in July,
• Republican Day at the Illinois State Fair in August,
• The General Election in November, and
• The IFRW Fall Conference in mid-November.
It’s going to be an adventure this year in politics, and Illinois Republican Women will be at the forefront helping to elect Republican candidates to office.
At the IFRW Spring Conference in April we will present the Executive Committee’s Action Plan for 2024-2025 and vote on the IFRW proposed budget. In addition, the newly appointed District Directors and Committee Chairs will be introduced. Dynamic speakers and panel discussions are planned along with networking activities and a silent auction to help us in our fundraising efforts. Be sure to read the monthly IFRW Newsletter to keep up with the latest.
As Illinois Federation of Republican Women, we have an overwhelming desire to get the job done. Let’s work together and support the conservative
cause that makes Illinois our beloved “Land of Lincoln.”
Thank you for the honor of serving you.
In God We Trust,
Lana Soldat
President, Illinois Federation of Republican Women